Quick and easy !

Upgrade N.Phone from v3/v4 to v4 (any models)


■ Before to install your applications on your new N.Phone,

you may want to transfer items from your HUD v3/v4 to your new HUD v4 (notecards, pictures, animations, sounds, …)

To do this:

  • Drop your N.Phone v3:v4 on the floor.
  • Wear your new N.Phone v4, if not already activated, wait a few seconds.
  • Edit your N.Phone v3:v4 (the one on the floor)
  • Drop the script “N.Phone Transfer Files V3=>V4 (wear v4, drop in v3)” in its content
  • Wait until it says “Transfer completed”
  • You can now delete this N.Phone v3 and install your applications on your new N.Phone v4

Your new N.PHONE V4 is ready!


Update Applications

■ to update applications, open “APP STORE” and use redeliver to each apps:

more info : APP STORE HELP